Emergency Dental Appointments

Dental emergencies are serious, and we are here to assist you in taking care of them. We can repair, restore, and reconstruct your smile, as needed, at Oak Bark Dental. Our emergency, on-call dentist will help you decide on a treatment or procedure that best fits your needs.

Just the other day, we had a patient call because they had lost a crown. A short time later, our dentists addressed the lost crown and the dental emergency was resolved.  


As spring has officially arrived and temperatures are warming up, our kids are heading outside, playing with friends, and shedding their built-up winter energy. While some kids may lose a tooth (or two, in the case of our patient!), such a problem isn’t the only type of dental emergency people face. Unfortunately, there are all types of issues that can lead to making an unexpected, urgent call to us.

 The good news for people facing sudden problems with their teeth is that our office is a one-stop practice for many types of dental ailments.


Types of Dental Emergencies

  • Tooth loss

  • Toothaches (especially major pain and sensitivity)

  • Broken and chipped teeth

  • Gums that have become swollen, tender, and/or infected

  • Broken dentures

  • Wisdom teeth pain

  • Problems with fillings and crowns 

Our team is always here to help you with any dental emergencies you may have. If you’re unsure whether you’re facing an actual emergency, we suggest you get in touch anyway to consult with our dentists. Call us immediately if you are facing any dental emergencies.


Additional Resource

A primary goal for our practice is to help inform our patients about good dental health. Such knowledge allows them to make informed decisions about the dental care they pursue. Therefore, we encourage you to consider reading the information found at the link below:

Dental Emergency (via Mouth Healthy from American Dental Association)

Dental Implants Lansing, MI

Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can be scary, should you need immediate dental care from one of our Lansing dentists, please call us or contact us.

Other Services

Our dentists and team take continuing education classes and courses to stay up-to-date on technology and techniques that allows Oak Bark Dental to assist you with all of your dental health needs. 

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