Top-Five Tips for Successful Oral Hygiene in 2023

With the turn of the calendar, presents have been opened, holiday parties are in the rear-view mirror, and lights and decorations have been taken down. As we turn our attention to planning our activities this year, it’s important to keep in mind our 2023 dental goals. 

Here are our top-five tips for the year that will help keep you and your family’s oral health in pristine condition:

  1. Get back to the basics: You’ve heard this advice before and you’ll hear it again! Brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, and having your teeth professionally cleaned twice per year will help ensure ideal oral hygiene.
  2. Pay attention to persisting dental issues: Whether you have a sore tooth that’s not getting better or sensitivity to hot and cold food/beverages, you should visit your dentist. The earlier you address such issues, the healthier you’ll be.
  3. Let your smile be infectious: Allow your smile to shine every day even if you’re not feeling like smiling! Doing so can improve our moods (and others’), lower anxious feelings, and uplift others. You can be a true source of positivity through the simple act of smiling!
  4. Plan ahead for dental care: The last few years have been challenging for a number of reasons – a global health crisis, financial troubles, job loss, and so on. As we’re getting back on track, be sure to set goals for your dental care, including routine cleanings, improved toothbrushes, and braces/Invisalign® treatment.
  5. Remember that improved oral care equates to better overall well-being: The path toward a completely healthy you involves a multitude of factors – one of which is solid oral hygiene. A healthy smile provides a boost to our confidence and promotes our healthy well-being.

Dr. Kristina Palmer and her team at Oak Bark Dental wish you a very happy 2023! Get in touch with her team today to discuss the tips above and to create a plan for any oral hygiene needs you may have.

Oak Bark Dental - Dentist Lansing

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